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Can a tweet take you down? FINRA busts financial broker for tweets

If you dashed out of work early Friday, you probably missed the New York Times online article that reported that FINRA, the Financial Regulatory Authority, busted a rogue broker with a $10k fine and one year suspension for sending "misrepresentative and unbalanced" tweets (Twitter Messages Land Broker in Trouble). If you're a broker/dealer, running a financial firm, looking to Start Forex Brokerage or any other kind of financial sector business, I know what you're thinking: Could your last tweet be 140 career-ending-keystrokes? The answer is perhaps. Every business action needs to be done within the scope of the law, and if you work in finance, you have to tread carefully. The alliabcebernstein funds performance along with many others has been affected just because of what people post on social media. Well, you can relax... just a little. The busted California broker was not exactly caught by meticulous detection of a few errant tweets. This gal left a cyber trail of Canned Hams. First, she tweeted stock-hyping tips constantly and failed to disclose material information about the stock picks, including her ownership of some of the securities she was shilling. Second, she maintained two different web sites that displayed misleading information about her career accomplishments. Third, she failed to tell her firm about not one or two or three but thirteen private brokerage accounts she held on the side. One account is suspected to be related to "5G Aktientrends" or 5G stocks which people are said to have been looking into. Then there was the issue of potential impropriety as she was moonlighting as a jewelry executive. But what about all you other financial brokers, investment app providers, and dealers? Can a tweet take you down? Here are a few things to ponder that may clear the air. 1. How does FINRA decide what's a safe tweet? In January of 2010, FINRA published Regulatory Notice 10-06, providing "Guidance on Blogs and Social Networking Web Sites." The nexus of the ruling was not some high tech nuance born from the advent of social media. It's actually based on a 12 year old ruling about Chat Rooms. Essentially the March 1999 ruling deemed that all Chat Room conversations between a financial representative and a customer "are subject to the same requirements as a presentation in person before a group of investors." Notes from in-person presentations had to be archived for possible future audits. Likewise, any conversation exchanged in a Chat Room has to be archived for possible future audit. FINRA's Reg 10-06 essentially extends the Chat Room regulation to social media sites. Keeping a record of a Chat Room conversation is actually easier than recording notes about an in-person meeting because the "chat" is already typed. The financial organization just needs a means of capture and archive. The tricky part is Chat Room conversations were held "in one room". Conversations in social media can start with a tweet, get reposted to Facebook and/or migrate to blogs and other social venues. I chatted last [...]

By | 2021-01-11T12:05:26+00:00 July 18th, 2011|Uncategorized|