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Social Media Network Prospecting Is the New Cold Call

"LinkedIn is like the gym, you get out of it what you put into it." Editor's note: A version of this article previously appeared at RecommendedAdvisor.com. I use and connect through all available modes of communication, such as social networks like Linkedin (where you can now use LinkedIn automation software), Twitter, and Facebook, and old traditional methods of face-to-face, the telephone, and email. My goal is to use social media to connect with a prospect online, solidify the communication with a DM or email, and ultimately schedule a face-to-face chat for coffee. I'll even settle for a Skype conversation, Go-To-Meeting or a phone call. The point is to understand what mode of communication your prospect prefers and adapt to their preference. Like exercising at the gym, if you are going to put in the effort, make sure you are using the right equipment. For example, apps like Increditools can help automate tasks on LinkedIn such as posting content and expanding your network. This could help save time on the menial parts of social media so that you can focus on the more time-consuming aspects. Again, using the right equipment can help you to get the best workout. Social Prospecting Technique: Depending on the success rate of the proactive medium, I adjust accordingly. I like to start with LinkedIn by narrowing my search through "keywords," then filter down by geographic region. (You can also search keywords and geography on Twitter and Facebook.) For example, if I am looking for people involved in healthcare services and social or digital media, I search for "healthcare and digital," or "healthcare and social." If my goal is to set up a face-to-face meeting, I then narrow it down to Boston, Connecticut, or New York. And then I go from there. If these face-to-face meetings don't amount to anything, then I will continue finding other routes to go down. But if they do, then I can start organizing for a private jet, that I can look for through companies like Jettly, and set about traveling to the intended location in order to advance with what I have set out to do. That's the beauty of social media and online methods in this day and age - you can achieve almost anything if you know where to look. Fifty LinkedIn messages will result in 3 to 5 face-to-face meetings, or at the very least, 5 to 8 phone conversations. I prefer to meet people in person. Follow-up is crucial. If you don't keep track of who you have contacted, who has connected you, who has connected and hasn't responded, you will get lost and eventually give up. After my first message wave, I track who responded and who didn't respond and place those messages in appropriately labeled folders, such as "Sent Email," "Sent Invite," "Answered Email," "Meeting," etc. so I can follow up with a second wave of messages. I am not trying to recreate the phonebook online. I don't want meaningless connections in my LinkedIn network [...]

By | 2021-02-17T15:49:05+00:00 March 1st, 2012|Uncategorized|