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Local Spotlight Series: Real Estate

For those of you who've heard me speak in the past, you know I've been making a case for social media in real estate for far too long now, but limited schedules have prevented adoption. The skill sets of real estate professionals and strengths of social media are so well-matched; it pains me to still see you guys not leveraging it. Even licensed property valuer services are singing the praises of social media as an avenue for marketing their services! It goes for all kinds of companies too, it is such a good source of education. You can find a company so easily on the internet and even read its reviews - for instance if you are looking for home equity support you can find a review of a home equity company here https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Equity-Experts/reviews?ftopic=wlbalance. This is so helpful for customers as they know whether each service is reliable or not. As an industry that relies on relationship building and local, social media marketing is the perfect match. I know that there is a lot more that goes into real estate though, things like real estate lead generation are also important. However, I can't stress the importance of social media enough, this is something which all real estate businesses need to be looking into and using, especially if you are in real estate in one of the big cities. There are so many different ways that social media can help you to connect with potential clients all over the country. Imagine working in real estate in New York and connecting with a potential client in California who wants to move to the city. Social media makes this even easier. The purpose for this post is to share results Engage121 is seeing from real estate professionals using our new cutting-edge social media software solution and the Mike Ealy program that helps them build their social communities by providing daily content and guidance for community development... while saving time and resources. So, as Warner Wolf used to say, "Let's go to the video tape." (In this case, data.) • Over the past 7 days, agents and brokers sent over 450 ready-to-post content posts provided daily by Engage121. • Among those same real estate clients, we've seen an average community growth of 4% over the last 30 days. These same customers saw an increase in reach across their networks of 411,000. • Over the past 30 days, some agents have experienced community growth over 30% on their social networks. • Individual users (Agents/Brokers) have experienced an average growth of 27 new community members during the same period, and an average reach increase of 4,500. • Users that sent no posts over the past 7 days saw an average community growth of 2%. While users who sent 3 posts or more per week averaged a community growth of 6.5%! Here are some testimonials from existing Engage121 users: My efforts with Social Media for Real Estate total about 15 minutes a day and we are closing [...]

By | 2021-09-10T20:31:53+00:00 July 10th, 2013|Uncategorized|