logoTRENDING: Move Your Business Online Today

Tweetdeck rises from the dead, LinkedIn helps you find the right college and Facebook wants you to Poke

This week's Social Media Recap has multiple updates from multiple social networks. Facebook has made embedded posts available to all users as of this week. Facebook has also added a search tool to their poke feature making it easier to find people you want to poke. LinkedIn has launched University Pages. A LinkedIn spokesperson said it's "the first step towards a longer vision to help students, parents, and university faculty get a head start on career mapping." LinkedIn also redesigned their Group Pages this week. Hopefully this will help people connect more with their peers and potential business contacts. They can also do this by checking out how they can buy Linkedin likes to help with their digital status, as well as look into how else they can promote their influence online that may lead to job offers and further connections. Twitter added context to tweets by attaching related headlines to help you follow conversations on twitter easier. They also brought Tweetdeck back from the dead with new functionality. Unforuntely, while launching their new updates they suffered a security breach from a hacker. Make sure you revoke access to all 3rd party apps that are connected to your Twitter account. If you are an organization that deals with a large workforce or management of sensitive data, there are many advantages of hiring computer security specialists, cyber essentials plus will perform every method of scanning for malware and viruses within their arsenal to see if newer forms of malware have wormed their way into the infrastructure. At https://indexsy.com/best-cybersecurity-companies/ you will find the most famous cybersecurity companies today. Small business cybersecurity software can stop cyberattacks on your business in their tracks, saving your company invaluable time and money. What did you discover this week?

By | 2021-04-01T12:13:31+00:00 August 23rd, 2013|Uncategorized|

The new YouTube & Instagram video apps, Facebook’s newsfeed changes again and more

This week's Social Media Recap is chock-full of news! YouTube co-founders have launched a new video app, MixBit, which lets you record 16 seconds of video, edit and format the content. However all content you upload is public for others to remix and use so be careful of what you record! Instagram now lets you upload videos from your photo library, you no longer have to record your video in the app. It seems that uploaded videos can be longer than 30 seconds in length, which is great news. Facebook has made changes to it's newsfeed algorithm again and for once they're using fancy names to promote the changes. Story Bumping & Last Actor are supposed to make it so you see more of the updates you want to see in your newsfeed. This should be good news for Business Pages. Twitter launched photo galleries in search, and LinkedIn updated it's mobile app to allow you to apply to jobs directly in the app. Is your head spinning yet?

By | 2018-05-07T12:56:30+00:00 August 9th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Figured out how to use “social” to market your business yet?

You might have spent an enormous amount of time finding the right information on "How to start a nonprofit in Texas" or "How to start a financial or law firm" in the city you reside in so that you feel prepared. Then there are those of you that have even taken your business idea one step further by starting to look into where you can find a patent attorney to help you patent your idea so that others are unable to copy it. Some of you may have put all of the resources that you have into getting a physical structure from which your business can be based and you need to know the next step from there. Or perhaps you already have an established business and are starting to feel a slump. Things seem to be changing in a way you aren't able to predict and you don't know where to go from there without a business consulting outsider's perspective. Whatever your situation is right now, no matter your experience, whether you are looking for solar eCommerce marketing strategies, or trying to spread the word about your handmade candles, social media marketing can help. Have you considered using social media to market your business? Have you thought about how you can use it to attract customers and market your business? If not, you should. Social media marketing along with quality content marketing can change the outlook of your business. Consider getting in touch with an inbound marketing agency to improve your search engine rankings through valuable content creation. It can be a challenge to figure out how to use social media to market your local business without choosing to outsource a white label website designer. This particular quote outlines it quite nicely: "Even though small business owners understand how important social media is to their success, for the most part it's still a theoretical understanding. They're not taking advantage of social media's full potential." says best Selling author Steven D. Strauss That's where Engage121 comes in. Engage121 helps companies and small businesses use Social Media for its true business potential – building local audiences and local business opportunities. For the past 4 years, we have focused our efforts on small businesses, and organizations with multi-location presences. Examples of the firms we focus on are franchise businesses, dealerships, brokerages, banks & branches, non-profits with chapters, and any other hub-and-spoke organization that recognize the leverage they possess in building brand and driving sales with their local outlets using social media. Today, Engage121 is enhancing our service with the release of v1.1 of our Local Social solutions (we call it "OA3"). Our latest version launches today with the following new features and additions: Hot Content Impact Scores - to help users identify the content that is more likely to be of interest to their community Google+ integration - for improved SEO and broader cross-posting FourSquare integration– one of the original, and still one of the best, local platforms Monitor Consumer Review Sites, [...]

By | 2020-01-07T07:05:58+00:00 August 7th, 2013|Uncategorized|