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New Facebook Business Page Updates are Underway

Facebook is currently in the process of rolling out a number of physical and stylistic changes to their Business Pages. These changes impact the pages’ public appearance, and how Admins interact with page functions.  While many feel that these changes make Business Pages look more like a personal profile, the essential page controls and functionality should remain relatively unchanged. Here are a few of the changes: Outward Facing Changes Appearance Both Admin functionality and overall design changes available with the new Facebook Business Pages. The new pages use the same size photographs as existing Business Pages, so you won’t need to resize all your photos as you did with past updates. However, the new layout features a left-justified profile picture, which may impact clients whose pages are designed to have a purposeful contrast or relationship between their cover and profile photos. Additionally, the new pages display the Page name in white text on the cover photo, so clients may want to update any light-colored cover photos to provide a better background. Page Design Most business information appears on the left side of the new pages, (under the profile picture), while the news feed and wall postings are combined into a single-column stream on the right. The left column information includes phone number, website, photos, videos and a map showing business location. The new design prominently displays total number of Likes, along with thumbnail links to friends of the viewer who also like the page. Facebook Apps are prominently accessible on the left side of the page, underneath the business description and above page photos. Three thumbnails get main-page treatment, with a “See all” connection option for app-heavy pages. The right-side column displays all news-related content like status updates, wall posts and comments. Scrolling ‘Like’ Bar One of the more exciting additions is the scrolling ‘Like’ bar, which should help increase engagement. Visitors who haven’t yet liked a business page will see a small white “header” row that stays on the top of the page, prompting the visitor to Like the page, and allowing him or her to do so without scrolling all the way back to the top. This should hopefully help increase likes and engagements as more visitors interact with content. Once the visitor likes a page, the scrolling bar disappears from his or her screen.  Inward Facing Changes  Authorship Attribution When viewing a page as an Admin, you can now see which Facebook admin posted each previous update. For Engage121 users, all updates made through the Engage121 application – regardless of who actually makes the post - will be attributed to the Facebook user who connected the page to the Engage121 application. In the example shown here, a post is attributed to “Ryan Hayes” – who connected the page to Engage121 – even though any number of other users with Admin privileges could have made the post. The quick takeaway here for users is that “Posted by” lines, for at least the moment, will continue to [...]

By | 2018-05-07T12:56:30+00:00 March 21st, 2014|Uncategorized|