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Engage121 hosting local content strategy event at Social Media Week London

We are running an event at #SMWLDN on Sept 23rd on #localsocialcontent. Put the date in your diary now or register at: http://socialmediaweek.org/london/events/getting-started-local-content-strategy EVENT DESCRIPTION Social media is something that consumers can understand and work with, so it's easy to search on social media networks and connect with organisations. However social media strategies for many businesses are focused on the company as a whole, which isn't always the right approach. Companies have different franchises, product or service groups, and regions with different offerings, so it can be tough to understand how social media fits into the picture. It is important to look at what social media platforms are used and how they are promoting themselves, some smaller businesses may look into things such as how they can buy Tiktok likes, how to bring up their follower count, whether that be on Instagram or Facebook, so they can build on what they have. Company's work to gain local SEO results, so why not work to gain local social media results? Why Social Media Should Get Local Having a local approach to social media can certainly be time-consuming, but there are quite a few reasons why this is the right option for some companies: Your content can be more relevant. Having a local approach to social media will help make sure that your content is incredibly relevant to each and every member of your audience. If there is something going on in the community, tweet about it; if there is something that may only be related to one of your services, only tweet that out to those following that account. If you need some help, get hosting + expert wordpress support at the link. You can make stronger connections. You will be able to make connections with those in a local community, which can help improve your relationship. People will know that they are speaking with someone who is nearby and understands what's going on in that community, which can be comforting and therefore help your company gain business. It's easier to offer short coupons and/or promotions. Piggy-backing off of the first point about content, if you have specials and promotions at a certain location (maybe to celebrate something), then having your own social media accounts will allow you to really promote them. This also goes for any special announcements or upcoming new products. The purpose of the event is to review/discuss and learn from real life success and war story examples of companies who have started to build genuine local content strategies and the challenges they faced to deliver relevant and genuinely local interest content to their social communities. How you go about creating a local social media approach is something that will take some time, but in the end the benefits are worth it. It doesn't cost any extra to create a local approach, just a little bit more organisation. We will review a variety of techniques on how to build a local social content strategy, how and why you [...]

By | 2021-04-01T02:11:10+00:00 September 5th, 2014|Uncategorized|