logoTRENDING: Move Your Business Online Today

 Important change to Facebook functionality

Facebook is removing the ability to search for keywords. As a result, any existing EXPLORE searches you have created in Engage121 will no longer generate Facebook keyword search results. PLEASE note, this will not impact on your ability to monitor and engage on your own pages, which we will continue to accommodate through LISTEN. However, Facebook’s decision means changes inside Engage121 where we have developed new substitute functionality that still allows you to search for keywords in Facebook. Effective May 1st, Engage121 will provide you the ability to target keyword searches to 10 specific and pre-identified Facebook pages. This functionality will maintain your ability to search Facebook for keywords. But, instead of searching all of Facebook - which Facebook now precludes - we will provide you the ability to search a subset of Facebook from the 10 pages where you believe content of interest to you is most likely to be found. As always, we expect these EXPLORE search results will prove useful for industry analysis, competitive intelligence or other business development reasons. Again, please note that after tomorrow, April 30th, you will not be able to run a search in EXPLORE for Facebook without first identifying the 10 specific Facebook pages you intend to target. Please see our client email for step-by-step instructions to set these up. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team by email on support@engage121.com OR call 888-607-9655    

By | 2018-05-07T12:56:30+00:00 April 29th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Lost Baby Bird Facebook Post A Viral Hit

One of our client's "Lost baby bird" Facebook post went viral and engaged over 1,000 people.   What exactly does this mean and why is it important? Imagine This…. You’re in your store or office, perhaps behind the counter or stocking shelves. A loyal customer walks up and greets you with a big smile, shakes your hand. Then you notice the customer is not alone. They’ve brought members of their family as well as some of their friends…and not just a few. There’s a dozen…maybe more….and each of them has brought followers of their own. Picture the Scene… Then another loyal customer greets you and wouldn’t you know…same thing…they’ve brought along scores of friends…accompanied by their friends. Then it happens again…and again…and again. A very large crowd forms. And each loyal customer turns to the crowd and says wonderful things about you, how you are the one to see when it’s time to buy bird feed and accessories. You do a quick head count and realize there might just be a thousand people hearing, and in turn spreading, great things about your business…and you haven’t said a word! It’s Not Your Imagination: That’s what going viral is all about! Engage 121’s Social Media Assistant selects compelling social media posts that turn your most loyal followers into your most ardent brand ambassadors. We understand you’ve got a business to run. It’s your passion. Social media is ours and we know how to make it work for you. Looking to create a growing, engaged community?  Click here or contact Nicole Falco at 203/849-7241..

By | 2018-05-07T12:56:30+00:00 April 16th, 2015|Uncategorized|

6 Reasons The E121 Mobile App Is Right For You!

There has been an explosion of mobile applications in recent times, coinciding with the expansion and developments in the digital marketplace. As a result, companies of all sizes, in all industries and in every country have begun to appreciate how mobile applications can increase engagement with their customers. The efforts of app developers from uk allow them to market their products in a way which relates to the modern consumer. It is undoubtedly true that every business must have an application of theirs in today's day, and if you don't, not to worry as you can order apps here. Applications is how the potential customer gets in touch, and as it easy to use and manage, it acts as a tremendous promotional tool of the services you offer. That's why working with experienced mobile marketing specialists and excellent app developers like XAM Consulting can be the best way to ensure that your strategy is designed to succeed. Realizing the full potential of social media takes time, effort … and quite a bit of know-how. So, it is difficult for many businesses to go it alone. That’s when having a partner comes in handy. The perfect partner is someone who understands social media just as well as you know your business and whose sole focus is building and nurturing an engaged and growing community. That’s us! We develop fun and engaging promotions and ad campaigns, while also helping to make sure the photos and stories that should be shared are posted promptly and interactions among followers are monitored and nurtured to maximum effect. But, you – our partner – can play an invaluable role. As we said, no one knows your business better than you. And, no one is in a position to suggest timely stories or engaging photos better than you. At Engage121 we understand all that. That’s why we developed E121 Mobile app to complement your SMA service. We want to make it as easy as possible for us to partner in your social media success. Here are 6 Reasons to Connect with E121 Mobile 1. Like We Said – It’s Easy. You don’t have to be a high-tech geek to download the E121 Mobile app to your mobile device. There’s no special software program to learn. Within minutes of downloading E121 Mobile from the Apple App Store or Google Play, you’re good to go. Call us and we’ll be glad to help you. 2. Accessing Your SMA Account Is A Snap. Use the same username and password you already use to log in to your SMA Dashboard that we hope you've come to know and love. It looks exactly the same as what you'd see on your desktop or laptop computer monitor. Nothing new to learn! Not a Social Media Assistant customer? It will still take just a few minutes to get you up and running. 3. Manage HOT!CONTENT No Matter Where You Are. Stay up to date on your mobile and through your email with the hottest [...]

By | 2021-02-12T13:36:27+00:00 April 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|