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From Our Family to You and Yours!

It’s been a splendid year for us here at Engage121. And that’s not only because we are proud to serve over 11,000+ clients. We have worked hard, and we are delighted to look back on 2015 and see each of our clients enjoying growing & engaged social community. There have been lots of learnings for us this year – both from changes in and on the platforms that we use, and from our customers. A really special thanks to our customers who are our inspiration to innovate! Here’s hoping you, our clients and future clients, have a wonderful and relaxing holiday (and, of course, growing and engaged communities!). 2016 is going to be another great year for us all!

By | 2018-05-07T12:56:14+00:00 December 22nd, 2015|Uncategorized|

2 Great Pieces on Social Media for Realtors

We just found two great articles while educating ourselves about Bitcoins and crypto wallet nuances that are so ‘spot on' we wanted to share them with our realtor community. The first is an article by RISMedia on the key learnings from the "New Year, New Opportunities – Power Prospecting Strategies for 2016" webinar. Our favorite takeaway: "Real estate professionals who want a consistent stream of business cannot afford to ignore social networks where over 70% of their prospects are active." Check it out by clicking here! The second is an infographic on what the real estate industry should know about millennials. To learn more about the alternative to iHomefinder and idx broker, go to showcase idx. It's chock full of great insights and statistics on this up-and-coming market segment and will help realtors better target their marketing channels and their messaging. It can guide realtors to set themselves up on various online platforms such as Rate-My-Agent and similar sites for example, as well as using social media to also boost visibility to their prospective customers. Did you know that 90% of millennials used a real estate agent or broker to buy a home? Even more surprising is that 68% only interviewed 1 agent. Homeowners looking to sell their properties sometimes make this mistake too and end up with an agent who really acts as more of a barrier to selling than a help. This could actually be one of the reasons there has been a surge in companies similar to Done Deal Buyers, local buyers in San Diego, and other areas, as this could help some millennial homeowners sell their properties much easier than having to find a reputable real estate agent. A good real estate agent will take advantage of someone who has picked a bad agent and hasn't managed to sell their home. Nearly 40% of expired listings relist with a different real estate agent/brokerage within 30 days, so that is why the Espresso Agent expired listing leads information is vital to real estate agents looking to boost their income. Of course, there are many options when it comes to selling a property, some people may want to use these tips on how to get rid of their agent in pursuit of someone more competent - https://www.upnest.com/1/post/when-should-you-fire-your-real-estate-agent/. For more information about millennials and real estate click on the image below. Click here to read more about millennials and understand why social media is your best route to get in front of them. Can we help you? Of course we can! Just call us at 888.607.9655 or email us at Sales@Engage121.com.

By | 2021-09-05T01:58:35+00:00 December 16th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Are you fishing where the fish are? (Pssstt….it’s Facebook)

At least for now, Facebook continues to be the 800 pound gorilla in the world of social media platforms.  Facebook also continues to be one of the more (successful) innovative platforms that works hard to satisfy both members and advertisers. Facebook is the place we fish, and here’s why: Facebook has nearly 1.6 billion members and Instagram has 300 million. Your customers and prospects are most likely a part of this community. Facebook is the best platform for you to connect with 30-40 year old up and comers who offer you a lifetime of transactions. Facebook is also the best place for the 50+ demographic – that’s the fastest growing social segment. Facebook shows the most powerful social media ecommerce statistics, sending a massive 60% of all ecommerce referrals for last year. By comparison, Polyvore drove 20% and Pinterest drove 15%. That’s not to say we ignore other platforms that deliver real value to their clients. Twitter has gained importance now that it has partnered with Google. Your  Twitter feed will show up in Google search results and it’s usually the first page.  Great for getting found! But, this is the world of social media and it’s a world that is traveling at Mach 3 speed. So who knows how things will look this time next year, but for now we’re fishing in the ocean that offers the greatest number and variety of fish. Still not convinced?  Click here for a mind blowing infographic that shows all of the activities that happen in a “Facebook Minute”. Ready to add Facebook to your marketing mix?  Want help optimizing your Facebook marketing to really drive business results?  Simply click here to send us a note and one of our social media consultants will be quick to respond! [wysija_form id="1"]

By | 2018-05-07T12:56:14+00:00 December 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Holiday Sales on Facebook

1 – Details, details! Do an informative, promoted post 4-5 days before your sale or event. Give the reader every piece of information they need to plan for it and to find it. Date, time, details, and location (include the address!) are all mandatory. If your sale is online, include a "Learn more" button on your ad that takes the customer to your web page with all of the information. Be sure to include a coupon code that will get them to return when the sale goes "live". Facebook provides some great guidelines on creating these types of ads!                         2 – Make your offer a win/win! Holiday sales can be a great way for you to clear out overstocked product at a value price that earns you a happy new customer. Does your inventory include a currently "hot" item? Take advantage of this to not only sell the product, but to establish yourself as a go-to place to shop for all things trending.                       3 – Showcase your customers. Post images of happy customers in your store with their awesome deals. Images like this will create excitement and tease to your sale. You can also use these images to tease to your next sale. 4 – Laser focus your targeting. Study your customer profiles and make sure... ... your radius represents your products. In other words keep it to 10 miles if you have a lot of competition for what you're offering. Expand to 25-50 if you have a "hot item" that people are willing to travel for (think Sphero Star Wars Droid, Fitbit HR or Apple Watch). Obviously if you're an online seller this doesn't necessarily apply to you unless you offer a local pick-up option. ... you take advantage of interests and behavioral targeting in addition to standard demographics. Selling clothing to teens? Age and gender are obvious selections but make sure you include selections like "teen fashion" and behaviors like "fashionistas" to get your ad in front of the right prospects). Yes, you'll get fewer impressions but they will be far more likely to convert. Teens also look for unique pieces of clothing, so if you are selling something generic like jeans, jackets, etc. you may want to add on some embroidery designs to make them look one of a kind, this could pique interest in some buyers and hopefully help you shift what you need to. Need help with your holiday sales campaigns? We're happy to help! Give us a call at 888.607.9655 or contact us at Sales@Engage121.com.

By | 2018-05-07T12:56:14+00:00 December 4th, 2015|Uncategorized|