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Facebook Ads vs Google Adwords

If you are on social media, you need to take advantage of Facebook ads. There are plenty of agencies like Voy Media who are trained in Facebook Ads that can help your business grow their online presence. But don't just take our word for it, take a look at our results. For the month of January, we added Google Adwords into the mix and wanted to share performance results. First, the ads we ran were as similar as they could be given the ad requirements and/or constraints of each channel. That means that targeting, calls to action, and creative were all kept as closely aligned as possible to get a good read on the performance of each. The results? At first, we were blown away by the results: In every metric except Cost Per Click and Cost Per Conversion Facebook ads outperformed Google Adwords by close to 300%+. Conversion costs of the Facebook ads ran roughly 1/5 of what they cost using Google Adwords. But it really makes sense, doesn't it? For starters, Facebook offers very powerful behavioral targeting that's superb for segmentation based on actions. Plus, as a social platform, Facebook ad placements enable, or even encourage, digital "word of mouth" through Likes, comments, and shares. At the end of the day, if our end goal was simply to build our brand, then Google might have been a more cost-effective choice. But clearly, if your goal is conversions in a niche market, Facebook ads deliver the performance we want. Regardless of the online ad channel being used, it's important to note that twice as many ads were delivered to mobile devices than desktops. For our Facebook ads, the mobile clicks outperformed desktop by almost 400%! Want to optimize your digital ad spend for mobile and desktop? Give us a call, or schedule a review with one of our social media experts. We're doing just that for thousands of small businesses across the continent!

By | 2018-05-07T12:56:14+00:00 February 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|

3 Social Media Questions Every Real Estate Professional Should be Able to Answer

1. How often should you post content on your social media sites? This is a question we get all the time. Some businesses post 4 times a day, others post once a week, and some post monthly. For instance, if you have luxury homes for sale delray beach, then you might as well post it on social media to attract more customers. The same can be said for any and all real estate opportunities that people may not know of, an example of this is when people want to sell their homes but they want to do it quickly and preferably close to the price point that they have set out, this is where companies that do 'We Buy Houses' would come in useful, so having that promoted will help companies and customers as one. Realistically, what success in this field comes down to is face-to-face interaction with customers of real estate. Let us take this example into consideration where this particular team in Milwaukee Real Estate Commercial Sales and Leasing has its own website. Not that they would restrict their promotional activities to social media alone. They might get on to the field, talk to clients, talk to their close ones, build a professional network, and many more. The whole point narrows down to imply that social media alone is not a business tool. Yes, social media is a useful tool in this business, but face-to-face interactions, such as giving a good listing presentation, etc, is where success is built for a real estate agent/business. Although, many agents and businesses like to keep a social media account going to keep their customers interested once they have successfully got them. Social media is an excellent place to show off your latest listings. Whilst some estate agents would argue Myrtle Beach real estate sells itself, uploading some images onto Instagram might just speed up that process. What do you think is the correct answer? once a week every day once a month other If you selected "D" you'd be correct. 5 times a week is the best practice for small businesses (that includes real estate brokers and agents) according to our Engage121 research. 2. What's the biggest impediment to posting regularly? lack of writing skills lack of time lack of content According to a recent RISMedia survey "B" was the winner with 45% of real estate offices saying they just didn't have enough time. 31% admitted they didn't have the skill and 15% said they didn't have the content. 32% admitted they needed to post more frequently. 3. How do you define great content? entertaining industry focused timely broadly relevant all of the above I'm betting everyone answered "E". This answer was pretty obvious. What is NOT obvious, however, is how to find content that meets all of these criteria. The easy (and fast, and inexpensive) answer is Engage121's Social Media Assistant that gives you: ✓ Engaging, curated, regular content ✓ Full-service social media management ✓ Best-in-class social media advertising We [...]

By | 2021-01-19T05:32:01+00:00 February 8th, 2016|Uncategorized|