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If Your Focus is Local, It’s Not Just About Google Anymore

Every business needs to know the importance of growing an online presence. For example, 1stOnTheList.com SEO services will help you reach high rankings on Google so more people will be able to find your business online. The higher you rank, the more of an audience you will be able to reach. On top of this, today's consumers are more empowered than ever before, researching products and services in a multitude of ways -- and smart local marketers are there at every touchpoint. While it's true that search will always be at the heart of local marketing, it isn't just about Google. Take for example the website of Gladiator Business, a good example of a website that utilizes the power of SEO. Think about it: With most local businesses laser-focused on Google, it can be hard to stand out. The ability to embrace other opportunities and diversify your local marketing mix with online and offline strategies like making custom enamel pins can be a game changer for your business in 2019 and beyond. That's why more and more savvy local marketers have broadened their scope significantly, with a new focus on other platforms including social, directories, and online reviews. Hey, I believe I've seen an uprise in businesses using sticker printing services and other physical marketing methods, and placing these stickers or materials in local shop windows, bars, and pubs - businesses are really still trying to get their presence known any way they can again. And with competition fiercer than ever, there's no better time than now to leverage a cohesive, versatile local marketing strategy that gets you in front of the right consumers with the right messaging at the right time. Let's talk about what that looks like: Other Search Engines: When consumers are in the market for a product or service, they research on their phones, tablets or desktops. These searches take place on various engines, including Google, Safari, Bing, Yelp, Apple Maps, TripAdvisor, YellowPages and many more sites. In order to meet consumers anywhere and everywhere they're looking, your business needs to be prominent on all of them by using ethical link building done by SEO experts. Consumer review sites: Reviews are very much a ranking factor and send a strong signal to search engines and potential customers that you are a trusted, quality business. That's why it makes good sense to be active on key consumer review sites. And once you get reviews, responding to them promptly is an essential component of careful reputation management. No reviews? No problem! Contact us for quick tips on how to build a solid base. Online Directories: Up to date directory listings are crucial, so be sure that your contact information, phone, website URL and company details are current and correct across all business directories. Not only does this matter to major search engines, it's an important way to build brand awareness and establish local consumer trust. Social Media: You simply can't do local marketing without social. Social media has [...]

6 Ways to Power Your LOCAL Search Results

Increase Visibility, Get Found and Drive Sales SEO should be a huge focus for your business. You should be looking at improving on-page SEO, looking at these essential web scraping proxy providers to get an upper hand on your competitors, and slowly building your presence online, especially locally. Why? Because when people are in the market for a product or service, they search. They're already in the mood to buy; all you need to do is stand out, and for this you can uses the services from SEO Boise. And you will stand out – if you add six simple but powerful local search strategies to your small business marketing mix. It's a fact: 46% of all Google searches seek local information. What's more, "near me" searches have grown 130% year-over-year since 2015, translating into a whopping 34-fold increase* in single local search queries. That's a big deal! These stats mean that now, more than ever before, local search engine optimization (LOCAL SEO) presents significant growth opportunities for every small business. Not only is LOCAL SEO an especially effective way to generate visibility, but according to this source, it also helps you boost site traffic, increase engagement and drive sales. There has never been a better time to boost your businesses LOCAL SEO. The best way to do that is by getting some help, so search for Boston SEO to find one of the first SEO companies in existence to see how they could help. What is LOCAL SEO? Like traditional SEO, LOCAL SEO focuses on content, backlinks, keywords and website activity. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. What sets LOCAL SEO apart is the way it leverages the geographical component. While traditional SEO concentrates on the "What" of your business (your product or service) LOCAL SEO also prioritizes the "Where" – further refining search to meet the demands of today's connected consumers. Which makes sense - say you own an independent shop in the North West of England, you'd want to hire an SEO from Cumbria who knows a bit about the local area so can really hone in on where the links can be made. By combining What + Where, LOCAL SEO optimizes your online presence and puts your business in a position to show up in local searches and meet potential customers right when they're looking for you. When you want to rank use Minneapolis SEO company Romain Berg, to understand and implement the six key components that help you power LOCAL SEO: Google My Business: This free, easy to use listing helps you manage what appears on the right side of the page when customers search for your business on Google, including your business name, address, phone number and reviews. Website Backlinks: When other web pages - including review sites and social business pages – include links back to your website, it strengthens your relevance. Search engines take the number of backlinks into account when they rank websites in search results; the more backlinks [...]